Kitchen Designers in Carlingford, Co. Louth

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Carlingford / 50 km
115 of 42 professionals
42 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Kitchen Designers in Carlingford, Co. Louth

O Reilly Designs / Komandor Carrickmacross
Kitchen Designers in Carlingford, Co. Louth
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars24 February 2017
“I got Ciaran and Joan to do a fitted wardrobe job in our attic to divide a large floor space into two rooms. The finish is excellent and the job was done exactly when I was told it would be. Ciaran was extremely efficient and very tidy - he hoovered as he went after sawing so there was no mess left over. The wardrobes are fabulous - they are floor to ceiling fourteen feet wide across the space and everyone who has seen them has commented on their wow factor. For a very reasonable sum we have a fifth bedroom that has added thousands to the value of the house. We couldn't recommend this company highly enough! Thanks Joan too for the lovely warm welcome and help in the shop!”
Fearon Bros
Kitchen Designers in Carlingford, Co. Louth
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars25 April 2017
“As a photographer I see the detail in things & the attention to detail Fearon Bros give to each & every kitchen they produce is precise. The workmanship is second to none & the range of styles they design & produce are varied from country cottage to urban contemporary, all finished with the highest quality of materials. In short I would recommend Fearon Bros to anyone thinking of a new kitchen.”
McCarthy Kitchens Dundalk
Kitchen Designers in Carlingford, Co. Louth
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars28 October 2017
“We have a Kitchen company in Perth, Western Australia and David has helped our business grow from month to month. The professionalism and attention to details that David provides is phenomenal. His drawings are so precise that he questions and picks up my mistake if any. WA Kitchens recommend hiring David for your drawing or design.”
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