Kitchen Design Professionals in Sligo, Co. Sligo

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2 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Kitchen Design Professionals in Sligo, Co. Sligo

McMonagle Marble & Granite
Kitchen Design Professionals in Sligo, Co. Sligo
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars9 May 2016
“We were having a new kitchen installed & were recommended to McMonagles by the Kitchen designer. The kitchen showroom we were using didn't have a sample of the quartz we wanted so Mcmonagles sent a sample to us through the post free of charge. Once we had ordered the worktops from them we did not have long to wait at all. The office rang through with an appointment to meet their man to template the kitchen worktop, a breakfast bar & utility room counter. He was very thorough at measuring up, taking in excess of 2 hours to do so, he made sure of every detail & even pointed out things that we hadn't thought about. He measured up on the Monday, they called me on the Tuesday to tell me everything was cut & they returned on Wednesday to fit. I am so pleased with the results. The finish is amazing, they also gave us a window sill made of the same quartz & connected it to the upstand. Everything looks amazing. They have ticked every box & recommend them without hesitation.”
crean kitchens
Kitchen Design Professionals in Sligo, Co. Sligo
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars12 June 2016
“Innovative kitchen designs. Quality materials and efficient and courteous service by a thoroughly professional company. Got just the worktop I needed for my kitchen makeover.”
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