
Cracks in brand new walls. What might be the cause? is it serious?

6 years ago

Good morning there,

brand new drywalls all over an apartment, cracks present from the edge to the ceiling like in the pictures. Almost all doors (in total five)

Now I am really scared what is the cause of these cracks? does it look serious, or just cosmetics, to be possibly fixed?

Please if someone out there with a sharp eye can express an opinion?

thank you !!!

Comments (52)

  • 6 years ago

    Was this taped?

  • 6 years ago

    What work did you have done to require new drywall. The ragged edges of the drywall look like a demolition event rather than "newly raised".

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    Hi ...Zaz I am not sure what went on here in Houzz .... While I have been away ..(sneezing coughing sweating) Whatever it was Move on from it !! as best you can ... Otherwise these things eat away at you ... And being on a downer that's not good for anyone ..........including you .... You have a Talent truly you do Lots see it ...... Even if you can't ....... So Put it toooooo good use If not for yourself ........ Then for others so they might enjoy it Seeing others smile from Something you have done Is gift.... I know I love toooooo Give that gift of a smile ..... Be it from writing or resisting my Poems Playing my little ukuele Painting So dust yourself off there's work toooooooo be done :@) Get your a@£& In that kitchen ... Today is the start of a new and better year ...... Of which only You Can make happen !!
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    Hi. Have you ever considered a real interesting eye catching piece of art work to really brighten up an area, I think a select piece of art would really make the space stand out, add interest, colour, texture and add a great talking point to the room.... Please check out my website if you like the idea and please get in contact, commission work is also welcomed so if you like a particular style I can do in a select colour palette and size as an original piece…..I’m also able to produce all original paintings in high end print format, in any size same or smaller than the original. (all within proportions to the original so not to cause distortion) All prints shown are Giclee prints onto soft textured fine art media. All prints come with a white border these can be made to measure too. So lots of options,
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  • 6 years ago

    Either a failure to tape underneath joints of pieces of drywall or failure to use the proper drywall compound. Cracks show up as the compound dries. It will continue to cure for the next year or so.

    Not all drywall compound is created equally nor are they applied in the same thickness. No need to panic, yet. Ask for the drywall finisher to come back out for another sanding and compound application. I'm not a professional by any means, but I have done my share of repairs.

  • 6 years ago

    What climate do you live in? Could a freeze thaw cycle, excessive dry air, or fluctuations in humidity cause it to crack? I have only ever had plaster walls and wood trim these factors cause cracks in both as the season change.

  • 6 years ago

    Good morning there, thank you everybody for your prompt comments. Really appreciated since I am very upset to say the least. Renovating an apartment its not an easy task. it should be enjoyed. Replying in order to your comments: No, the other apartments in the same building are not experiencing the same problem. Building year 2011. Previous walls were totally demolished. There was floor heating so the contractor decided to go for drywalls which...did not convince me from the very beginning. I am mean its a very intelligent solution IF done properly, but when thinking about furniture hanging..I am quite sure he did not make the walls strong enough....and so on and so forth..

    I highly doubt there was any taping under.

    New walls totally. But built...fastly. Too fast.

    when writing "cure" you mean by any chance might stop? even though you are not a professional, any insight its very appreciated. Seriously appreciated. Yes they were done in winter (this season, last month 2017 December) but the building its rather "warm" well insulated.

    What I am seriously worried about is what is coming next. As written I am experiencing a very bad....situation with this "person". A lawyer will be required soon, cause...he stole our new valuable items from the storage as a revenge act. He was let go for his un professional attitude, did not want to hand back the keys and stole things. Expensive stuff which took me so much time and effort to find (its my first time doing such things..) so...finding grohe, hansgrohe specific models which would all felt like an enterprise. Then also a Japanese washlet. Electric one.

    Life goes on I want to keep my head high.

    Yesterday I received a major tile order and while putting the tiles in the person noticed these cracks and was not utterly happy with the work.

    So I am thinking to add a technical investigation ...but I think those cracks are not enough. Still I think a sign...of his poor job and not caring as a person of clients.

    He built those in two days?....

    in the picture you see the way there glued to the floor. He did not want to drill cause there is floor heating.

    Might it be that those cracks are cause by absence of a net? if so is there a procedure...which says its mandatory to use that net? even if not, would it be a sign of...poor knowledge on contractor side?

    in some months doors will be coming. They are not the cheapest on the market. custom made...just a joy for the eye.

    But here my heart aches...I am worried that once they will be installed....these cracks will appear will be a visual tragedy and sadness.

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    I am sorry to hear about all of this but was this contractor a liscensed one or just some guy off the street? It looks to me like there was a taping issue , it is wise to not nail into infloor heating and also the mud not drying in between coats.My guess he will not do the repairs so you will need to find a new drywall guy and have them fix what is wrong.

    Claudia Mattioli thanked Patricia Colwell Consulting
  • 6 years ago

    Patricia, thank you for your comment. Every feed back is sincerely appreciated. Yes, he won't come back. I am happy about it. We suggested a payment for the work he has done so far, minus the lack of a guarantee (estimated at 25%) and the stolen merchandise, and one month's rent cause we are currently renting. He did not respond so we decided to contact a lawyer to protect us. Obviously he wanted a way more what we suggested. Our offer 1/4 of the sum he asked. But again silence. So a lawyer is requested to mediate. We do not want more problems. This person was introduced to me by a common friend but my friend has never used him as a renovator...I have to investigate whats going on with basically everything. Still I am trying to keep my head high. We did not do anything wrong. Renovations should be enjoyed!

  • 6 years ago

    the problem is that they jointed it. When you have an opening (wall, window, door fireplace etc) the right way is to use one piece than cut the opening without joints

    Claudia Mattioli thanked dyliane
  • 6 years ago

    thank you Dyliane. Is there seriously something I can possibly do at this point ? not me of course, but suggest people who will come to continue working. i am scared as well when doors will come and will be secured ....cracks will start falling like a cascade.

  • 6 years ago

    the only way is to remove and start over... I'm sad for you

    Claudia Mattioli thanked dyliane
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    It's likely the drywall was installed with the vertical seams incorrectly running directly along the door frames to the ceiling.

    This is how drywall should be seamed around openings.

    As dylianne notes above, the only permanent cure is to remove the affected drywall and start over.

    Claudia Mattioli thanked worthy
  • 6 years ago

    :(. thank you everybody !!! last image is interesting!!!!

  • 6 years ago

    After seeing this very interesting image. I like learning as a matter of fact. I want to take a learning experience :). I ve browsed through pictures I have been taking and look what I ve found: with picture five showing the "right" what might be the cause of cracks??

  • 6 years ago

    Thank you Worthy. Any thought on this net? i do not know if they used it or not...

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    Claudia, It looks to me like the drywall tape was missed in the two photo’s you provide. A good drywall PROFESSIONAL should be able to fix easily (without starting over).

    I’m not sure of your location (state), but make sure you follow your attorney’s advice. In some states, you could be considered in default (breach of contract) for not paying the contractor.

    Based on the last set of pictures you posted, I would be very concerned with the electrical violations that I see.

    Good luck!

  • 6 years ago

    So basically a probable cause is that those cracks are caused by the presence of the drywall joints along the doors/opening.


    and if i asked to fill them in ? the cracks would come back?

    is there something on the market that can be used to seal them...?

    I think I can't demolish everything again. Sadly.

    cause i guess the contractor has his own method..and I can't bring this matter to let lawsuit, I mean...obviously i will mention it but its not strong enough. other things are...not this.


  • 6 years ago

    Oh my... even electrical violation. i need a coffe.

    Of course we would pay him, but not the amount he pretends.

    We were the first one to make an offer.

    this thing is happening in Amsterdam...The Netherlands.

    I am not Dutch by the way.

  • 6 years ago

    ah there was not a signed contract. Not that we did not want to sign anything, simply were offered a job for the whole renovation. Not cheap: i am just saying I was not looking for cheap or budget. he did not ask any advance payment. I even asked him before the mess happened how much you want..he said nothing for now.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Per your last question your lawyer will advise you, but my inclination if you are suing him anyway (for your lost property) would be to add this as part of the lawsuit. This is not one method out of many acceptable. It is wrong, and the consequences (cracks) are predictable. You will be able to outline what suggestions you made for compromising on the payment (have it in writing of course) and document that the job was done incorrectly, get a few estimates to get it fixed to present to the court.

    On its own this might not be worth the hassle of suing over however as part of a larger suit it reflects badly on him and demonstrates your ability to be reasonable. Presumably, assuming your side of the story is accurate as you've told it to us :)

    Claudia Mattioli thanked miss lindsey (She/Her)
  • 6 years ago

    "I am not Dutch by the way."

    German? Lol where I live anyone who isn't Dutch is very careful to announce it (no idea why, I'm not from here) and mostly they're German :-D

  • 6 years ago

    Thank you. yes the story is accurate, I even omitted his verbal aggressive behavior cause I thought its not necessary. He sent me a message asking if he should go outside of the apartment with the walls?

    well no comments needed.

    and in all correctness he said that cracks will always appear from the very beginning..cause i was asking him to do it a way they won't come back.

    previous walls were not build drywall but still they had cracks. not like those anyways.

    but insisted ... that the netherlands is a country ... build on water...and craks will appear in almost all apartments.

    It sounded as ...strange to me.

    mah...was it a way to protect his own...not solid way of working?

    i can't tell.

    that electrical violation thing...made me seriously scared.

  • 6 years ago

    No I did not mean anything in particular with that sentence...seriously.

    It was in reference with current law here in construction, which I do not anything about..thats why I was asking....if there is a standard method of construction I can appeal to..

    Cause each country differs i guess in standards, not that much but maybe a little.

    I am Italian

  • 6 years ago

    Okey, so to make a summary. At first we thought that we will ask a lawyer advise not to complain about his job, cause simply we did not even remotely think that the job might be very poorly done. We decided to do it cause he did not reply after getting our official payment offer. I mean, as said, there was no signed contract, un proper verbal written behavior on his side, and on top of that theft. So...we just want a legal advice for negotation. I spoke to a very well know legal firm just yesterday on the phone, an introduction and they agreed with me.

    Yesterday i got a very large order of tiles, a guy who was helping to put the tiles in the house, commented badly about those cracks...not that I did notice them before..but I am honest in saying that in my ignorance...I did not pay attention to them.

    Then, we want to pay him even generously for just two mere weeks of work. but he is staying silent. most probably he wants more...


    after reading your comments and some other from the Italian side, people of good will, and an architect...I am beginning to be...scared.

    that sentence electrical violation..someone pointed out.

    Which picture...what??

    Tomorrow I will be seeing a Dutch electrician at 15.00, and if by any chance this is true...than from a negotiation it can become a real lawsuit....T.T

  • 6 years ago

    Just with one plain question: would be anyone kind enough to point an electrical violation? I have found another picture kitchen while work in progress

    thank you again !

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    Claudia, now that I understand that you are not in the states, I would not be the one to offer any advice regarding the electrical. Since you have an electrician visiting the site tomorrow, be sure to show him the pictures you posted here. There appear to be several electrical violations in the pictures for U.S. electrical code. I have no clue about the electrical codes in the Netherlands.

    Good Luck!

    Claudia Mattioli thanked Da Vinci Remodeling, LLC
  • 6 years ago

    Yes thank you. I ve just contacted the electrician after your comment which anyway its interesting and asked his mail to send him pictures.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Just an intuition ...I think that the contractor was not that immensely least i hope so to hire an electrician who made such a poor job. There was a separate guy for electricity. But interestingly an Italian friend of mine was also kind...of surprised at electricity. At that time I did not put so much thought into it. i just went with the flow.

  • 6 years ago

    You cannot run Romex in channels in the drywall! The risk is that someone putting up a picture or whatever will hit the cables with a nail or screw. I can't imagine that any first world country would permit such a mess.

    If you're getting a licensed electrician, they should be checking anything electrical your handyman touched.

    The drywall mistakes are cosmetic; the electrical is serious.


    Claudia Mattioli thanked worthy
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Oh my I need a Napolitan Espresso. I wish I had it now.

    I am from Venice, but my fav region is Trentino Alto Adige, as a matter of fact when everything will be finished...God knows when..and how and at which cost, I am "planning" to invest into an apartment in Trentino. Small but lovely with an amazing view possibly. So when life gets rough..I can escape there physically or mentally.

    Worthy your comment made my face ... just...cringe (sorry edit cringe does not mean what I thought ...I meant an expression of..utter disgust ) Thank you, every comment is useful. I ve just send the pictures to the electrician.

  • 6 years ago

    is not the right way you have joints on the corners in this way will always crack

    Claudia Mattioli thanked dyliane
  • 6 years ago

    this is the right way no joints the only joints are between top and botton drywalls and corners. all the other mud you see is for the screws

    Claudia Mattioli thanked dyliane
  • 6 years ago

    wrong way with this joints will always crack

    Claudia Mattioli thanked dyliane
  • 6 years ago

    @Dyliane, thank you. Only good news today :D ! (ironical tone) -- I am glad there is someone out there willing to comment.

    @worthy, You cannot run Romex in channels in the drywall! The risk is that someone putting up a picture or whatever will hit the cables with a nail or screw. I can't imagine that any first world country would permit such a mess.

    If we assume works were not completed, maybe the contractor was planning to end/finish it properly. This I do not know about now.

    So my question to you or someone else would sound like this: At this point, assuming that works have to be completed that Romex already very bad?

    thank you

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Romex already very bad?

    Yes, because of the risk of someone later unknowingly penetrating the Romex cable with a tool or fastener, possibly electrocuting themselves and certainly blowing a connection or a fuse or breaker. In addition, someone who would wire like that has very likely made other mistakes. Since your handyman was putting up new drywall, he could simply have put in the wiring first with no problem.

    Mind you, I've come across worse: lampwire buried in similar channels; homemade switchboxes made of wood; Romex connected directly into the 60 AMP mains; bare lightbulbs hanging in working showers etc., etc.

    Claudia Mattioli thanked worthy
  • 6 years ago

    @worthy: your comment is really appreciated, seriously. I am trying to gather evidence. So the scenario is opening up..I will have to pay for an investigation, I still hope not. I will also see what the electrician will say tomorrow.

  • 6 years ago

    pictures from work in progress. The cables (right side)on last one are from the intercom. I can't believe (still) that Romex thing might be true) if so this is a huge trouble.

  • 6 years ago

    Adesso ho capito che lei e' italiana :) mi dispiace tantissimo che Lei debba affrontare tutti questi guai.

    Claudia Mattioli thanked dyliane
  • 6 years ago

    Ciao, grazie del commento. Ho visto un idraulico ed elettricista oggi. Per fare il punto: l'elettricista ha detto che l'elettricita' non e' fatta male. L'idraulico invece ha bocciato alcune cose.

    per quanto riguarda le crepe, entrambi concordano con me, che così non si può accettare per nulla.

  • 6 years ago

    purtroppo per il cartongesso non c'e altro modo che rifarlo, almeno per quello che concerne porte e finestre, spero Lei riesca a venire fuori al piu presto. auguri

    Claudia Mattioli thanked dyliane
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    mi hanno detto che per il carton gesso possiamo mettere la retina? che dice? verra' anche tra pochi giorni un esperto del cartongesso a vedere.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    intesa la retina tra le giunzioni. I mean someone suggested to put the net in between junctions. in some days an drywall expert will be coming as well. hopefully he is an expert. At present I have received some evaluations from an electrician, plumber and a tiler. Lets see what will happen next ! as for the situation yes i agree is very regrettable, somehow I missed a very important have what in Italian is called "direttore dei lavori" to control each single step on my behalf. I had some Italian architects who wanted to come with their crew...but it was also expensive. Now I regret it cause all in all..the price would be the same as of now, with all these delays...even less

  • 6 years ago

    non funziona Claudia. Il cartongesso e' un materiale che flette e appoggiato in questo modo i pezzi sono fissi a due elementi distinti, quello del muro e quello sopra la porta, quindi si muoveranno in modo indipendente come e' normale che sia e si apriranno le crepe. Nelle giunte si usa il nastro di carta o uno fatto a rete, ma il problema qui e' la giunta. Quello che e' stato proposto purtroppo si tratta di un taccone e prima o poi Lei si imbattera nelle famigerate crepe. Il cartogesso posato bene presenta giunte solo tra panelli superiori ed inferiori e negli angoli come nella foto che ho mandato. Oppure in muri particolarmenti lunghi le giunte tra due pannelli in cui entrambi appoggiano su uno stud doppio e' normale. Ma per le aperture non si puo fare. Stiamo ristrutturando casa e TUTTE le finestre, porte e aperture varie presentavano lo stesso tipo di crepe. Io e mio marito abbiamo buttato giu TUTTO il cartogesso di tutta la casa e mio marito ha posato quello nuovo come ti ho detto, il cartogesso vecchio presentava il tipo di giunte che hanno fatto a casa tua, quindi di questo puoi trarre le conclusioni...

    Claudia Mattioli thanked dyliane
  • 6 years ago

    Grazie del feed back. Di dove sei?

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    di Torino ma adesso vivo negli USA, stiamo ristrutturando casa e abbiamo gia visto delle cose incredibili

  • 6 years ago

    Good evening there,

    There will be some changes in the apartment, we are going to place a sliding door in between the wall and the living room. The window you see in the second sleeping room does not exist in reality, we were planning to do it, but after all this mess happened, its better to minimize problems. At present the hole/space for custom made doors has been already prepared, it will be filled with dry wall compound most probably or something similar. I was thinking instead of doing there a creative way to use that space some shelves or what ever which can add some character to the corridor?

    Thank you

  • 6 years ago

    sorry can't manage to upload the picture somehow. the depth of the wall is 10 cm ...I wonder if its enough

  • 6 years ago

    Update: Some days passed, actually almost two weeks. People came, some bypassed the issue (Sorry to say Dutch standard's) and others were intelligent and honest enough to admit the truth, namely that walls need to be reinforced in some parts. I am not going to tear them down.

    I have a lawyer who will take care of the "guy", and costs to repair the walls are going to be deducted from him. obviously.

    Life goes on. Thank you everybody for your precious feedbacks

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    The "drywall saga" is going on. New workes came in today just for few hours to clean the floor and proceed further. Cleaning of the floor is apparently the first step to level it out. Anyway, for the purpose of my comment, it does not matter.

    What matters instead is, that the shity job that the previous guy did is continuing to show up in different forms. Almost all people who came after commented badly on walls, dubious about electricity, ventilation...

    The lawsuit has just started.

    TODAY the ceiling collapsed in one point like in pictures.

    What are your thoughts?

    any feedback appreciated


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