Freedom Kitchens
Freedom Kitchens
Average rating: 2.6 out of 5 stars22 ReviewsView Profile

The Block 2016- Julia & Sasha

Photography: Shania Shegeden. Oozing luxury and glamour this kitchen is a modern take on the traditional Shaker style. Featuring stunning Gaggenau appliances throughout, Caesarstone Statuario Maximus benchtops and splashback and Shaker style cabinetry in matte white and black; this is a kitchen that demands attention. A metallic sink and new Bright Brass cornet handles add luxury to the timeless design and the generous butler’s pantry offers generous storage, open shelving, coffee machine and integrated dishwasher. Featuring: •Cabinetry: Sierra White Matt & Black Matt •Benchtops: Caesarstone Statuario Maximus 20mm pencil edge (back run) & 40mm pencil edge (Island) •Splashback: Caesarstone Statuario Maximus •Handles: 22-K-102 Bright Brass cornet •Accessories: Oliveri Spectra Gold sink, Tall Brass Deluxe tap, Stainless steel cutlery tray, Internal Drawers, Le mans corner pull out unit, Stainless steel pull out wire baskets, Bin •Gaggenau Appliances
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