Angie Keyes CKBD
Angie Keyes CKBD
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars24 ReviewsView Profile

#Seaside Beauty

This Condo has been in the family since it was first built. And it was in desperate need of being renovated. The kitchen was isolated from the rest of the condo. The laundry space was an old pantry that was converted. We needed to open up the kitchen to living space to make the space feel larger. By changing the entrance to the first guest bedroom and turn in a den with a wonderful walk in owners closet. Then we removed the old owners closet, adding that space to the guest bath to allow us to make the shower bigger. In addition giving the vanity more space. The rest of the condo was updated. The master bath again was tight, but by removing walls and changing door swings we were able to make it functional and beautiful all that the same time.

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Business_Name_Placeholder added this to My Project9 January 2025

possible tile for shower walls

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