Kingston Lafferty Design

Kingston Lafferty Design

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About Us

Kingston | Lafferty Design is an award-winning Irish Interior Architecture, Interior Design and Graphic Design company run by Roisin Lafferty. We passionately understand the importance the impact of design has on people and pride ourselves on defying expectations. We go on a journey with our clients to visually explore the art of possibility through design. We use these insights to bring the clients visual needs into real life creating an unforgettable experience. At KLD, we provide design services and solutions for everything from Interior Architecture, Interior Design, Furniture Design and Hard Landscaping to Graphic and Brand Design. We work on collaborations and projects that challenge and excite us and specialize in pushing the boundaries. We take ownership from the beginning and are meticulous when it comes to attention to detail, focusing on the quality and final result of each individual project. We live by what we do and believe that being fresh, innovative and curious is the lifeline to our creative thinking and ability to add value for brands, commercial and residential clients alike.

Services Provided

Interior Architecture, Interior Design, Furniture Design, Project management

Areas Served

Ireland and Europe


IDI Highly commended award 2014, IDI Highly commended award 2013


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Business Details

Business Name

Kingston Lafferty Design

Phone Number

(01) 551 4836


Kingston Lafferty Design
12 Mount Pleasant Square, Ranelagh
Co. Dublin


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