Gill O'Shea - Dabble in Art

Gill O'Shea - Dabble in Art

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About Us

Gill O'Shea is a professional Irish watercolour artist who specialises in bespoke commissions for people's homes. Gill creates stunning, realistic and vivid paintings. Gills painting style is unique and every painting is a personalised piece of Irish art. Her speciality is capturing the individual personality and character of animals. Gill is a professionally trained artist and executes every painting to the highest standard. Gill also accepts commissions for pet portraits.

Services Provided

Bespoke Artwork, Bespoke portraits

Areas Served

Dublim, Ireland


BA (1st class hons.) in Fine Art from D.I.T

Professional Information

Professionally trained Artist


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Business Details

Business Name

Gill O'Shea - Dabble in Art

Phone Number

087 769 0427


Dublin 18
Co. Dublin

Typical Job Cost

€495 -

Costs include professional framing and delivery within Ireland


Contact Gill O'Shea - Dabble in Art
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