Creations  by Willie Clarke

Creations by Willie Clarke

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About Us

Wood Wall Art started in March 2017. I am based in Co Longford Ireland, surrounded by the River Shannon with plenty of Lakes and Woodlands. By trade I am a Carpenter/Joiner and have been self employed for the past 16 years. I love working with wood and I have designed and made many pieces for friends and family who seem to enjoy them very much. I have a keen eye for detail and quality control, this I probably get from my years as a Joiner. I also do some painting in my spare time which I enjoy, my sister is an Artist. I take my pieces through myself from start to finish with help sometimes from my family, be it from inspiration or sanding. My wife is Pauline and we have 2 sons Colin who is 20 and Aaron who is 15. One is in University and the other is in College. I hope you like what I have created and maybe I can make something nice for you or your family. Thank you for looking

Services Provided

Bespoke Artwork, Bespoke Framing, Bespoke Furniture, Bookcases & Wall Pannelling


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Business Details

Business Name

Creations by Willie Clarke

Phone Number

087 638 3278


Co. Longford

Typical Job Cost

€100 - €10,000


Contact Creations by Willie Clarke
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