McDonald Jones Homes
McDonald Jones Homes
Average rating: 1.7 out of 5 stars10 ReviewsView Profile

San Marino at Braemar

a classic single storey 4 Bedroom home which boasts a Children’s Activity, Study Nook and Home Theatre. The San Marino display home is the perfect combination of style, luxury and practicality, a timeless design perfect to grown with you as it boasts many features that are desired by modern families. “The San Marino simply offers so much for families to love! Featuring a beautiful Hamptons styling and really making the most of the amazing location with country views throughout each space of this open plan design that simply draws the outside in.” Says Sue Postle the local Building and Design Consultant. Perhaps the most outstanding feature of the San Marino is the central living hub, complete with striking gourmet Kitchen and seamless combination of both internal and external living and entertaining spaces. The added bonus of a private Home Theatre, four spacious bedrooms, two inviting Bathrooms, and a Children’s Activity space adds to the charm of this striking design.

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Cathy Lien added this to final stretch11 January 2024

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