Charlie Peckham

“Delighted!” is how we want our customers to feel & according to Charlie Peckham that’s how they feel about their PaperBoy ‘How it works’ wallpaper. Fibbing is probably not often justified but we love how they kept their 7 year old in the dark about the work going on in his new room. They told their son that there was a problem with the roof hence all the workmen. They panicked a bit at one point about not having enough wallpaper but Charlie told us: “We did the big reveal this weekend. Louis couldn't believe his eyes, he was so delighted with his new room. The wallpaper looks fantastic and has made a massive difference” Charlie said to “Big up PaperBoy”. We say ‘big up you too’ as we think you’ve done a smashing job & keeping a secret from a 7 year old is no mean feat! So well done you. If you have a room that could do with e refresh then you can order the ‘How it works’ wallpaper here:…/how-it-works Victoria x
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