Houzz Discussions Code of Conduct

Hello and welcome to the Houzz discussion forum! All members of the Houzz community agree to and are bound by our Terms of Use. In order to ensure our discussion forum is a welcoming, open, and inclusive place for all of our community members, we do have some Houzz rules that we ask you to follow. These rules are derived from our Terms of Use and Acceptable Use Policy and are specific to the discussion forum on Houzz. We may update them from time to time, so please check back regularly to understand your responsibilities in using the Houzz discussion forum.

When electing to participate in the discussion forum on Houzz, please abide by the following rules:

  • Refer to people by their chosen display name.
  • Refrain from posting threads about individual users.
  • Treat other members of the community with kindness. Do not post any name-calling, personal attacks, or targeted harassment of other members of the community – including but not limited to referring to other members as bots or trolls, impersonating other users, or attempting to remove all of their content through flagging if it does not, in and of itself, violate our terms.
  • Do not screenshot and repost content you feel is against the Terms of Use or content that has been removed from the site.
  • Do not post vulgar or profane content, in text or in photographic form. Masked profanity is still considered profanity, and quoting someone else’s language that is profane or vulgar still counts as profane or vulgar posting from your account.
  • Do not post personal information about other members of the community.
  • Do not post the same content multiple times. That is considered spamming and disruptive. Please don’t do it.
  • Do not post links to illegal content.
  • ​​​​​​​If you have access to more than one account, and use them to post in the same discussion or to coordinate flagging of the same content, any accounts used for this purpose may be subject to permanent removal from the Houzz platform.

Because this is an open community, you may encounter members of different backgrounds, ideologies, and points of view. You do not need to agree with them, but please abide by these rules in your interactions with them. Posts in violation of our Terms of UseAcceptable Use Policy or of this Code of Conduct may be removed without warning. Accounts not in accordance with these rules may be deactivated with or without warning.

Flagging is available for every post and for comment. You may use this function to alert our team to content that should be reviewed for violations. You may also always reach out to our team for help through help.houzz.com. Please note that to protect the privacy of our community members, the Houzz team is not at liberty to discuss the account status or the administrative actions performed on any account with anyone but the account holder.

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