Landscape and Design

Landscape and Design

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About Us

Designing a brand new garden for your property involves the experts in hard landscaping, which is where Landscape And Design come in. We can offer professional landscape and design advice for your outdoor space, from concept design to completion. Let’s take a look at all the ways that our landscaping contractors can assist you with your new garden ideas

Services Provided

Decking Installation, Decking Repair, Driveway Gate Installation, Fence Installation, Garden Design, Garden Plans, Gate Installation, Gate Repair, Hardscaping, Hedge Cutting, Land Clearance, Land Levelling, Landscape Construction, Lawn Aeration, Lawn Care, Lawn Irrigation System Installation, Lawn Mowing, Lawn Sowing, Lawn Treatment & Fertilisation, Outdoor Fireplace Construction, Patio Construction, Paver Installation, Planting, Shed Design & Building, Stump Grinding, Tilling, Tree Planting, Tree Pruning, Tree Removal, Tree Stump Removal, Wood Fence Repair

Areas Served


Professional Information

We believe that your garden should be an organic part of your home that fits your style choices and aesthetic perfectly. Regardless of how much space you have or the budget you’re operating with, we can create a gorgeous, welcoming, wonderful area the whole family can enjoy and that you can be proud of. The materials we use and the design choices we make will always accentuate the best features of your property.


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Business Details

Business Name

Landscape and Design

Phone Number

(056) 773 7024


Co. Kilkenny


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