Rustam Kurbanly

Rustam Kurbanly

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About Us

I’m an architect and an artist (though I prefer the word ‘‘creative’’) and I also teach drawing and perspective. With a background in architecture and academic drawing, I spent quite a few years taking private lessons to improve my drawing skills. I consider myself lucky to have learned from some extremely skilled and kind-hearted artists. My creative journey began before I could even walk, sparked and constantly fuelled by my parents. Growing up surrounded by a massive book collection and my late dad’s incredible collection of black and white photographs, photography magazines, and art albums, I developed a deep love and fascination for art, especially black and white.

Services Provided

Art Installation

Areas Served

Ballinrobe, Castlebar, Charlestown, Claremorris, Kilkelly, Swinford


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Business Details

Business Name

Rustam Kurbanly

Phone Number

089 499 8275


Co. Mayo


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