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About Us

Niki Purcell is an artist living and working in Ireland. She works primarily in oil paints, using gestural strokes to build up textured layers of paint. Her preferred subject matter are landscapes, both representative and imagined but always of Irish Landscapes Niki Purcell attempts to depict not objective reality but rather the subjective emotions and responses to her surroundings. Purcell lives in an old coastguard station on the borders of Wicklow and Wexford and is highly influenced by its landscape and seascape. To be surrounded by such wildness has allowed Purcell to explore not only her surroundings but also her emotional responses to her environment, a world that changes daily if not hourly. Purcell’s work expresses these movements and shifting emotions. Purcell is currently working on a body of loose expressionistic paintings mostly focused on landscapes/seascapes…showing the power of the elements – mostly the unseen force of the wind on the terrain and in particular trees, which for Purcell, seem like ever present guardians of the land – that have seen much and say little. Purcell depicts this movement and passage of time through her painting, using thick dense stocks in her paint application. Purcell graduated from NCAD and has worked as an artist ever since. Exhibiting extensively in the Hugh Lane, The Guinness Hopstore and the RHA Gallery to name a few. Purcell’s work can be found in many important collections including the OPW.

Services Provided

Art Installation, Bespoke Artwork, Mural Painting

Areas Served

Arklow, Worldwide



Professional Information

DEGREE Hon. BA, Fine Art Painting, National College of Art and Design


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Business Details

Business Name

Niki Purcell

Phone Number

086 814 6306


Co. Wicklow

Typical Job Cost

€100 - €2,000

Paintings start at €100 and can range to €2000


Contact Niki Purcell
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