Pros Shown on Houzz

Professionals on Houzz are responsible for providing accurate information on their Houzz profiles, which are included in our public directory of local home renovation and design industry professionals. We also rely on and obligate professionals to display on their Houzz profiles any licence information required by law.

You can find professionals on Houzz mainly through three methods -- in our directory, matching tool, and emails. We use a number of factors to determine which professionals to show and from time to time, we test and adjust these factors. However, we encourage you to undertake your own research, for example, by running background checks, checking references, confirming any relevant licences, and checking that the appropriate insurance is in place for your project.

Directory: In our directory of professionals, we display professionals on Houzz in organic and paid placements. We identify paid placements through a “sponsored” label. We determine the order that professionals are shown in organic placements according to a variety of factors, with the following as the main factors used:

  • category (i.e. service type, professional type, location)
  • relevancy (e.g. based on physical distance, text matching between search query and the professional’s description, style similarity between photos saved by the consumer and the professionals’ project photos),
  • content quality (e.g. number of reviews and number of their photos saved to ideabooks).

We use these factors because we have found that consumers are more likely to be interested in professionals based on these factors. You may change the order of professionals shown to you in organic placements according to most reviewed or recently reviewed.

We determine the order that professionals that have purchased advertising are shown in paid placements mainly based on the following factors:

  • category (i.e. service type, professional type, location)
  • relevancy (e.g. based on physical distance, text matching between search query and the professional’s description, style similarity between photos saved by the consumer and the professionals’ project photos), and
  • customer status (e.g. the price paid for the advertising).

We use these factors to deliver the advertising services purchased by the professional in a relevant way for the consumer.

Matching Tool: When you complete our professional matching tool, the professionals we show you are selected by Houzz based on the preferences you provided, their paid advertising status, responsiveness, and other factors.

  • services provided, budget, location,
  • customer status (i.e. professionals that are Houzz customers are prioritised, factoring in the price paid for the advertising),
  • relevancy (e.g. relevancy of professional type for the specific service requested).

We use these factors to provide a fair distribution of exposure based on the price paid for the advertising programme and to optimise the experience for both consumers and professionals. From time to time, we test and adjust the factors used to select professionals that are displayed to you.

In-Email Promotions: Based on your geography, our emails feature professionals that have purchased local advertising through Houzz. From time to time, we test and adjust the factors used to select professionals that are displayed to you.

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