Darci Hether New York
Darci Hether New York
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars36 ReviewsView Profile

Westhampton Beach Home for Family and Friends

This three-story Westhampton Beach home designed for family get-togethers features a large entry and open-plan kitchen, dining, and living room. The kitchen was gut-renovated to merge seamlessly with the living room. For worry-free entertaining and clean-up, we used lots of performance fabrics and refinished the existing hardwood floors with a custom greige stain. A palette of blues, creams, and grays, with a touch of yellow, is complemented by natural materials like wicker and wood. The elegant furniture, striking decor, and statement lighting create a light and airy interior that is both sophisticated and welcoming, for beach living at its best, without the fuss!
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