XS Interiors and EX Showhouse Furniture
XS Interiors and EX Showhouse Furniture
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars84 ReviewsView Profile

Scottish Country Life- leather, tartan and texture

Laid back luxury with a touch of Gleneagles, featuring super sized low height chestnut leather chesterfields to maximise the views from the windows of the glorious countryside beyond. The mellow toned tartan carpet is the perfect backdrop for beautiful rich elm wood and chrome modern coffee tables and a stunning matching sideboard. Cowhide and chrome accent benches offer additional seating, while the home bar adds a grown up touch. Lovely accents include leather clad lamps, a tartan floor lamp and leather trunks. Beautiful rooms by Loraine Chassels, XS Interiors, Glasgow, www.xsinteriors.com 0141 942 0519
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