Scandinavian Terrace Ideas and Designs

North Fork Bluff House
North Fork Bluff House
Resolution: 4 ArchitectureResolution: 4 Architecture
Photographer: © Resolution: 4 Architecture
Meadowbrook Bothy
Meadowbrook Bothy
Lucy Walters Photography
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Appartement avec terrasse
Appartement avec terrasse
Juliette BretonJuliette Breton
Appartement contemporain et épuré. Mobilier scandinave an matériaux naturels. Terrasse en Ipé, bardage en pin pour se cacher du voisinage et pour les plantes grimpantes. Treillage en osier. Des plantes en pot habillent les angles. Fauteuils et canapé Acapulco. Banc en Ipé.
Woodstock Decks
Woodstock Decks
Material Design BuildMaterial Design Build
We built the deck with STK-grade cedar that continuously wrap the sides and risers. Railings are 1" copper piping.
Wanda Ely Architect Inc.Wanda Ely Architect Inc.
A new back deck is tucked under the overhang of a second story sunroom above, and black slats infill the gap to an adjacent brick wall, creating a cozy spot to relax outside, BBQ, and watch the kids playing in the yard.

Scandinavian Terrace Ideas and Designs

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