Roundwood Interiors
Roundwood Interiors
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars7 ReviewsView Profile

Multi-Room Teenage Bedroom

This space was special indeed! When the family moved into their home the daughter of the house immediately laid claim to this room - which included a half-height storage space, full of possibilities! For the main space we chose a bright, fresh green to keep the space uplifting all through the year. I used a blue stripe to mimic the feel of a canopy and to make a feature of the sloped section of the ceiling rather than attempt to hide it. The room is filled with storage to accommodate a growing wardrobe and features upcycled furniture to ensure the space is completely bespoke. Hidden behind a poster is a secret library, painted a dark, moody blue and styled to give hints of Hogwarts. The ceiling is adorned with a navy, celestial print wallpaper and there are cosy touches dotted around to make this the perfect spot to curl up and while away hours with a good book. Floating candles lend a touch of fun and much needed light to the space.
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