Lemon Remodeling & Services
Lemon Remodeling & Services
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars50 ReviewsView Profile

Master and Hallway Bathroom Remodeling in San Jose

Explore Lemon Remodeling’s comprehensive bathroom remodeling project! Schedule an appointment via https://calendly.com/lemonremodeling or simply give us a call now! ??✨ Step into our Master and Hallway Bathroom Remodeling project in San Jose. Witness the journey from concept to completion as we meticulously overhaul these spaces from A to Z. Through a captivating collection of photographs, our portfolio showcases the artistry, craftsmanship, and attention to detail that define our work. Discover this two-bathroom remodel in San Jose that redefines luxury. With a vaulted ceiling, a custom white metal trim edge, and a recessed shampoo box, this bathroom offers both elegance and practicality. Don't miss the shower bench for added comfort. Explore the transformation today!
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HU-829062756 added this to My Project8 November 2024

Shower bench

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