Green Garden Ideas and Designs

Back Garden Terrace in Bearsden
Back Garden Terrace in Bearsden
North Hill GardensNorth Hill Gardens
The back garden presented some unique challenges due to its significant level differences. Limited access made the space nearly unusable for our clients. The original hardscaped terracing needed significant updating and rebuilding due to partial collapse. We were tasked with adding functional seating, installing a water feature, and developing a safe way to access the bottom part of the garden. Learn how we were able to access all three levels of the serenity garden: The area was divided into two terraces on different levels to avoid an overwhelming 'bunker-like' impression. Our team completely removed the old structures and installed new retaining walls that have been built from gabion stone baskets. We installed stainless-steel water shelves extending from chevron-patterned Siberian larch decorative screening. A daily-use patio of porcelain slabs was installed to create a large dining area at the top terrace. A darker shade of slabs creates a line cutting through the whole area, creating a visual axis ending at the water feature. The middle terrace is more like a chill-out zone with a custom floating bench and additional mobile seats that you put on top of the gabion wall, making it ideal for more sheltered, private gatherings. Stairs from the middle terrace lead to the bottom garden, contrasting the highly developed upper garden. The bottom garden is a wilderness haven with extensive planting and a decent-sized frog pond. The new upper garden can be considered an observation point situated on the edge of the wilderness.
Dorset Courtyard Garden
Dorset Courtyard Garden
Fi Boyle Garden DesignFi Boyle Garden Design
Upper rear terrace is framed by a low stone wall. Borders set into the paving soften the hard landscaping.
Boulder Retaining Wall and Free Standing Seat Wall
Boulder Retaining Wall and Free Standing Seat Wall
Earth Design, Inc.Earth Design, Inc.
This courtyard area adjacent to the home's entry features two types of stone walls. The boulder retaining wall helps to create the larger space, while the stone veneer seat wall creates a cozy place to stop and sit.
Romantic suburban garden
Romantic suburban garden
Jane Harries Garden DesignsJane Harries Garden Designs
The new lawn makes the garden seem bigger and deeper. It's a shallow garden with a point to the left, now concealed by trees and the swing seat. New planting contrasts purples, greys and greens. Jane Harries
Glencoe French Chateau - Formal Pool and Landscape
Glencoe French Chateau - Formal Pool and Landscape
Arrow. Land + StructuresArrow. Land + Structures
Glencoe IL Formal sideyard garden walk leading to rear yard pool oasis. French inspired theme. By: Arrow. Land + Structures. Landscape Architects and Builders----The sideyard path leads visitors towards the rear yard poolside retreat. Sideyards present an opportunity to create an an articulated approach that pulls you in towards your destination.
Redwoods set the stage in Menlo Park
Redwoods set the stage in Menlo Park
Just in Thyme Landscape DesignJust in Thyme Landscape Design
Meandering flagstone & Dymondia pathway leads to the fire pit 'room.'

Green Garden Ideas and Designs

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