Brown Dining Room Ideas and Designs

Ash veneered birch plywood fronts with Formica Glacier worktop
Ash veneered birch plywood fronts with Formica Glacier worktop
Plykea LtdPlykea Ltd
This warm, inviting kitchen features ash veneered birch plywood fronts with semi-recessed handles. Topped with a Formica Glacier worktop and matching upstand. Formica Glacier shelves add the finishing touch.
Grade II listed Islington Georgian Townhouse
Grade II listed Islington Georgian Townhouse
Emilie Fournet InteriorsEmilie Fournet Interiors
Basement Georgian kitchen with black limestone, yellow shaker cabinets and open and freestanding kitchen island. War and cherry marble, midcentury accents, leading onto a dining room.

Brown Dining Room Ideas and Designs

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