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10 Tidy Work Spots for Small Spaces
Big ideas, small space? Try these inspiring ideas for tucking a desk into even the weeniest of corners
A spacious study is a luxury for those of us who work from home – but when space is at a premium, the reality of a home office often means slotting in a desk wherever we can make room for it. But a makeshift office in the corner of your home can still provide a pocket of peace where you can immerse yourself in work. Here are some neat and compact offices that make the most of their surroundings.
Fold it away
For casual work that requires occasional desk space, a bureau is an ideal solution – just unfold the leaf and pull up a nearby chair when the desk is needed. The great thing about bureaus is their built-in storage, and a well-loved piece can add a warm, vintage feel to a room.
For casual work that requires occasional desk space, a bureau is an ideal solution – just unfold the leaf and pull up a nearby chair when the desk is needed. The great thing about bureaus is their built-in storage, and a well-loved piece can add a warm, vintage feel to a room.
Make it an all-in-one
Storage and practicality are key when creating a compact study area, and this desk in the corner of a family kitchen fits a lot into the available space. Make use of an empty wall by hanging up a blackboard, as seen here, or a bulletin board where you can pin notes, and squeeze in as much drawer and shelf storage as the space allows.
Get ideas for creating a modern pinboard
Storage and practicality are key when creating a compact study area, and this desk in the corner of a family kitchen fits a lot into the available space. Make use of an empty wall by hanging up a blackboard, as seen here, or a bulletin board where you can pin notes, and squeeze in as much drawer and shelf storage as the space allows.
Get ideas for creating a modern pinboard
Hide behind close doors
Need to keep your home office out of sight (and mind) in the evenings, or when it’s not in use? Why not hide it in a cupboard? This unit blends perfectly into its surroundings when closed, but opens up to reveal a self-contained office area. A folding chair or a stool that can be tucked away under the desk will complete this practical system.
Need to keep your home office out of sight (and mind) in the evenings, or when it’s not in use? Why not hide it in a cupboard? This unit blends perfectly into its surroundings when closed, but opens up to reveal a self-contained office area. A folding chair or a stool that can be tucked away under the desk will complete this practical system.
Use all available space
The recessed spaces on either side of a chimney can be the perfect size and shape to situate a mini office – this perfect nook seems tailor-made for a desk. Recesses often need a lift with lighting, so consider mounting a wall light or desk lamp to illuminate your work area without taking up precious desk space.
The recessed spaces on either side of a chimney can be the perfect size and shape to situate a mini office – this perfect nook seems tailor-made for a desk. Recesses often need a lift with lighting, so consider mounting a wall light or desk lamp to illuminate your work area without taking up precious desk space.
Shut that door
For another really neat office space that won’t intrude on the surrounding area, look for a desk that can be easily concealed behind a pull-down shutter. The sliding shutter over this desk, plus the stool that fits neatly underneath, keep this study area streamlined and tucked away when not in use.
For another really neat office space that won’t intrude on the surrounding area, look for a desk that can be easily concealed behind a pull-down shutter. The sliding shutter over this desk, plus the stool that fits neatly underneath, keep this study area streamlined and tucked away when not in use.
Desk the halls
For narrow spaces, a console-style desk will take up floor area while making the most of available wall space. With just enough width for a computer, and being long enough for laying out other work, it’s the ideal size and shape for creating an office area in a small room, or even a wide corridor.
For narrow spaces, a console-style desk will take up floor area while making the most of available wall space. With just enough width for a computer, and being long enough for laying out other work, it’s the ideal size and shape for creating an office area in a small room, or even a wide corridor.
Make good use of a corner
Corners are versatile spots that often aren’t fully exploited, and this shelf-stacked site shows what ideal places they can be for a desk. When building storage in a small space, think vertical: this desk is a perfect example of a compact office where everything is in easy reach.
Corners are versatile spots that often aren’t fully exploited, and this shelf-stacked site shows what ideal places they can be for a desk. When building storage in a small space, think vertical: this desk is a perfect example of a compact office where everything is in easy reach.
Head upstairs…
With less noise than in other parts of the house and plenty of empty walls, a landing is the ideal space for an open-plan home office. Even if your landing affords only enough space for a small desk and some slim shelves, it can serve as a retreat where you can get your work done in peace.
With less noise than in other parts of the house and plenty of empty walls, a landing is the ideal space for an open-plan home office. Even if your landing affords only enough space for a small desk and some slim shelves, it can serve as a retreat where you can get your work done in peace.
…or go downstairs
An equally handy space is the nook below an open staircase, which generally offers just enough room to house a desk. A convenient hideaway that’s nicely tucked away, it’s almost purpose-built for a home office.
Do you work from home – if so, how have you overcome space challenges? Share your tips in the Comments below.
An equally handy space is the nook below an open staircase, which generally offers just enough room to house a desk. A convenient hideaway that’s nicely tucked away, it’s almost purpose-built for a home office.
Do you work from home – if so, how have you overcome space challenges? Share your tips in the Comments below.
In a small space, make the most of empty walls by filling them with narrow shelves. In this room, the owners have made use of the entire wall, both above and below the desk – even the floor space! All that shelf space can get messy, so minimise clutter with matching, unfussy folders and boxes to store all the work paraphernalia.
Find inspiration for a homework desk in a child’s room