
Team boiling hot water tap or kettle?

last year

We are renovating our 1970s house https://instagram.com/the_chester_nester_?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
and just finalising our kitchen units, appliances etc.
We had a boiling hot water tap (grohe) in our previous house with no problems but have been using a good old kettle for the past year whilst renovating. For a high ticket item boiling taps in general do not have great reviews and if it were any other purchase I wouldn’t be considering. Is it really so bad to have a kettle out on the work surface? Anyone seen any design led electric kettles worth considering? Or is this a step backwards ? Team BHWT or kettle?

Comments (9)

  • last year

    Team kettle. I have a Brita filter tap and kettle (recent purchase) to reduce limescale.

  • last year

    Nothing wrong with a kettle. You can get some really attractive ones. I just wouldn’t have a boiling tap due to the ridiculous cost, but that’s just me!

  • last year

    I replied on your other post.

    Having had a Qettle for 2 years now l cannot think of going back to a kettle. Boiling water constantly on tap which is also ideal for vegetables and cool/cold filtered water too. Qettle is one of the best on price. There are many now to choose from.

    If you’re in the process of having worktops done now is the time to make the decision.

  • last year

    It depends on several things.
    Safety- much safer to have boiling water on tap than 2 litres of it sat on the side in a kettle.
    Minimalism- if your kitchen style is simple then best not to clutter the worktop with small appliances.
    Resale- In some homes, in some areas, a boiling water tap is a must have item.

  • last year

    Team tap.
    We had a Quooker in our last house and will be putting one in when we redo the kitchen.
    Great for cooking eg large pots of pasta as well as drinks.

  • last year

    We had a quooker tap fitted5 years ago, would never go back to a kettle. So much cheaper, you only boil the water you need! safer option,and, as a minimalist who doesnt like kitchen clutter the best option all things considered.

  • last year

    Team tap for me too! We have an original Quooker that’s well over 10 years old - and we still love it. It would be top of the list if we were to ever move or change the current kitchen. However - Quooker are now hugely expensive, so I would consider a Qettle tap instead - my brother has one and it’s great.

  • last year

    Thank you for all your helpful advice

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