
Advice realty needed: Does anyone have a recirculating vented hob?

last year

We have just had a Novy Easy vented hob fitted and for the life of me, we cannot see how it vents out. The draw of air into the filter is absolutely great but where does it then go? We are told it vents out through the gap between the plinth and the carcass ( there is no grille fitted). We have mentioned that the fitting instructions say we need a grille, but even then, the air, after passing through the filters, seems to go into the drawers beneath the hob. The drawers are within a sealed carcass. We are mistified and feel that at the very least, we need a grille put into the back of the carcass. Tricky situation as we are now at snag point of the project. I am really hoping there is someone out there who knows about these things.

Comments (3)

  • last year

    There should be some ducting from that hob to plinth level- you don’t want it venting into your drawers. You don’t actually need a grill at plinth level as most plinths have a gap between them and the underside of the cabinets.
    Some extractors have an extra filter at the end of the ducting. You can buy these separately although I don’t have one and don’t think it’s normally necessary

  • last year

    That is really helpful Jonathan, thank you. The kitchen company told us that ( despite manufacturers instructions) we don’t need a grille at plinth level, as you said. However the gap between the cabinet and plinth is extremely small ..about half a cm. Does this matter?

    More worryingly, I found a video on YouTube on the installation of novy recirculating hobs showing the need to cut a hole in the carcass and install a linking venting accessory. This had not been done and we still have the accessory knocking around in the kitchen. So of course, this will mean the hob has to come out etc etc. I am hoping it is possible to do this without wrecking the new quartz.
    What a palava.

  • last year

    To Jonathan, to close out the story: the novi instructions are poor but the video on YouTube is brilliant ( albeit it foreign with subtitles). Our fitter had not cut a hole in the cabinet or fitted the venting accessory. Now that is done, it vents into the plinth. I have followed your advice and not had a grille fitted. Success all round so far.

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